Top 7 Simple Yet Effective DIY Telescope Improvements

 Universe is simply infinite. And even the nearest planetary and star systems are at tremendous distance.

We just can't get there for now. But then, at least we want to watch it. See it.

But I have seen people complaining "with a small telescope they can't see much!". And you too might agree on that.

And you know what? They are right! They will never be able to see more than what they try for.

This so-called beginner astronomers get discouraged, because they don't get the results they expected.

Observing sky is not like spying your neighbors with binoculars. Its not that quick!

A good sky observer is also good in patience and is able to stare through the eyepiece for hours.

To be very very clear, improving telescope performance is not just about tuning scope. Off course its part of it. But you also need to tune yourself and your eyes.

So in this article, today, you will learn some telescope hacks. I have found this to be most effective. This are the 8 simple DIY telescope improvement tips that works.

So here are the few things which can help not just optimize yourself but your telescope as well. So you can see more and better:

1. Look for Clear sky

There's no substitute to the clear sky. In fact it can indirectly add an extra inch to your aperture.

Look up in the sky at day time for clues. Are there clouds? When the sun is over the head, block it with your hand and see if its clear blue around it. At the sunrise or sunset, make sure there are no clouds at horizon.

2. Avoid Light Pollution

Pollution in no form is good for us. And when it comes to stargazing, the most hazardous one is light pollution.

We usually observe the sky at night time. The simple reason for this, is because we need our surroundings as dark as possible. So that you can explicitly get to see the light coming from that cute little distant object. But in our modern society, there's light pollution everywhere. So its never gonna be a ideal spot. So what you have to do is go to a dark place.

And it should be with least artificial light (eg. Street light etc). Going away from city is best when you want to see faint/far distant object.


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